Monday, March 26, 2007

Knitted Anatomy

So I had a few hours to spare today. My doc gave me the afternoon off. Seeing as I am finishing surgery this week (sadness) I wanted to make something for my doc I started knitting. What else could a general surgeon want than a knitted gallbladder? I based it roughly off the knitted GI tract pattern. I mounted it on a piece of card stock, so it serves as a thank you note and a cool knitted gallbladder. The red thing is suppose to be the liver. What else could be better? Now onto the pictures....

This greatly amuses me. He sure won't forget this month for a while.

I really am going to miss surgery. I think I could be a surgeon... blood and guts are totally fun. And knitting helps with the manual dexterity thing, so it's a win win situation I think.


Vouray said...

That is absolutely hilarious! You need to make a spleen next!

Anonymous said...

I think you have found a new calling. My husband - who gives anesthesia - thought it was hysterical.

Anonymous said...

I think you should make a knitted skeleton with knitted removal body parts and sell them to med schools. I'm telling, Al, you'll make a killing - no pun intended.

"Meems" said...

OH MY GOSH!!! thats awesome! You should knit up some "stones" for it too!!