Sunday, August 26, 2007

Knitting party

Ok people..

I'll be home in a week. We need plans for a knitting party during the month of September (mimi and Belinda.. hint hint). I have a wedding to go to during the weekend of the 22nd but other than that I am free.

So who's hosting? And what do we all need to bring (besides yarn).

I am working on another uterus for the doctor I am working with this month. I am also almost done with a pair of socks. I promise pictures soon.

I am also teaching the lady I am living with how to knit socks... so that's fun.

ok back to writing my personal statement on why I need to be a doctor


Vouray said...

I want to be invited. Period!

Allison said...

I think that was a given Gina...

I know that Mimi and Belinda talked about it... someone needs to host it.

Bel said...

Yes, yes...knitting par-tay!

I am unavailable the WHOLE weekend of the 16th. Maybe the weekend after you get back? Gives us time to come up with ideas, food, planning, etc. We could have one at my house (granted the hubby takes the kids for the night and approves of many giddy and slightly warped yarnheads hanging out in the house)...but I'm open if someone else wants to. I'm game. Mimi??? Ideas??

Allison said...

How about the 8th? That would be the best weekend for me at least. Does that work... and of course we will have new yarn after the sale at Mosaic. I know Gina is having the sale for the sole purpose of me coming home and buying enough yarn for the year.

I can design an evite, if we decide on a hostess, time and location.

"Meems" said...

OOH Party Party!! COunt me in!!! I dont mind hosting too Bel- Let me know. So what are the dates that we can do it Alison? Cant wait to see you!!

Miranda said...

I'm out for the weekend of the 29th.. . presenting at a conference in Greensboro.

I think there needs to be a blender. For some margaritas :-D