Sunday, May 6, 2007


So the sporty little numbers vest fit horribly in the back. I took it to Mosaic so the knitting geniuses could rescue it. Well due to it's construction it could not be saved as is. Frogging is really no fun, all that time and hard work ripped out in just a few minutes. I had to take out everything but the front. The entire back was frogged to the ribbing. I think I am just going to rib the entire back so there doesn't have to be an entire reworking of the pattern. I am not sure if the vest will actually ever get done now. My schedule is not going to be real nice for the next year for massive amounts of knitting. I won't be living in the same place for longer than a month starting in August. This is my schedule as of right now. August - Norfolk, September - Farmington Connecticut, October -- Danville PA, November -- Blacksburg, December -- Hershey PA, January -- Florida, February -- Honduras, March -- Florida, April -- Blacksburg, May -- OFF (hopefully moving to my new residency), and then June -- GRADUATION!!! I really hope I actually finish it, i will be super cute when it's done.

I made 3 Hokie squares. One was a maroon and orange stripped square. Here is a picture of the fake cable one. It's really soft alpaca (Blue Sky). It's amazing all the varieties of the squares coming in. I hope we get all the squares we need. I know I'll me making more, especially this month.

Here's a picture of pretty yarn. It's Be Sweet yarn. I think I wrote about it already. I am not sure what I am making with it... but it's just nice to look at. I think I have a yarn obsession.

I will leave you with a Panda picture from the National Zoo... because who doesn't love Pandas?

1 comment:

Vouray said...

Don't say the vest will never get done! It's so cute!!!!