Sunday, May 13, 2007

Birthday money

My sister sent me a Barnes and Noble gift card for my birthday. Well seeing as I own literally every book in the medical section, and I really don't think I am exaggerating with that statement, I decided to buy a new knitting book. Really you can never have too many books and you can never have too many books about knitting. I looked at the Vogue knitting stitch dictionary thing for a while but decided against it. There was a really nice pattern book based off lingerie type things, but I doubt I'd wear half the things, even if they were pretty. I finally chose the regular Vogue knitting book. It states on the front it is the ultimate knitting book... you can't go wrong with that. I really need to stop looking at the book and do some real work.....


Vouray said...

Bring it in, I want to see that book!

Allison said...

I will attempt to remember to bring it to Blacksburg this weekend...

it might be the only thing saving me this week (we are with the sexual predators.. I am oh so very excited... )

"Meems" said...

Sexual predators? what??

Allison said...

Yes sexual predaotrs. We weren't suppose to work with them (I am at the state mental institue this month) but the doctor that usually works on their ward is off this week and the doctor that the students are with is covering his ward... so we are seeing sexual predators, rapists and murderers... it makes me very nervous and anxious... I need to knit and drink more wine or something.

Anonymous said...

How do you like the book? That is one I don't have.