Tuesday, July 22, 2008


So a few weeks ago I learned how to drop spin. This was not something I had intended to learn how to do. I am definitely an instant gratification type of girl... why on earth would I want to spend my time learning how to spin, then spinning, then finally getting the time to knit with said yarn. Well the fate of the yarn gods apparently decided me learning this new skill was a good idea. I received a lovely present of roving from a Ravelry contest. It was so pretty.... but I wanted it to be yarn NOW. I tried to list my new found yarn friends in Connecticut to spin it for me, but all I got was we can teach you. No... I don't want to learn, I just want yarn. But the roving won me over, and so I embarked on learning how to spin. I was loaned a drop spindle and left over roving to practice on.... then less than 24 hours later I made yarn.

The roving

The first set of singles...

Half done



Wound and ready to use.
(Ball winder and swift...best inventions and best present EVER)

Now I just have to figure out what to do with it....I think there's about 70 yards. It's definitely not consistent in thickness...oh well. Right now I am just looking at it. Now I have this to play with while I figure out the best way to use my new handspun...


nuttnbunny said...

Rock ON!!!

livnletlrn said...

It's BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to see how that lovely new bundle of roving spins up. You know you're on a slippery slope with this spinning thing, don't you? Just ask Karen. ;-) Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Looks great Allison! See, isn't it more fun than having it spun for you? :)

By the way, you need to change your location in your Ravelry profile. You are no longer a 4th year medical student!

Unknown said...

It's gorgeous! And it must be something in the air; I started playing with dyeing this weekend.

thinggtwoo said...

That's FANTASTIC!!!! So I guess I need to bring my spindle and roving to Thursday nights, then? :)...and actually LEARN how to use them?