Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I have returned from falling off the face of the earth..

So I kinda fell off the face of the earth for a while. I was really busy last month being on ob-gyn. I liked it, didn't love it. So that makes me confused on what I want/need to be when I grow up. But right now I am not thinking about that because it causes me stress and to not sleep.

I spent last week at the beach (Sanibel Florida) with my family. It was nice to sit around and do nothing all week. I ate good food, slept, read a little (mostly school related.. I know not on vacation), knitted, and sat on the beach. I have tan lines, and the only part of my that is burned are my ears. I am so excited that I didn't turn into a burned painful mess.

I did visit a yarn store in Sanibel. It was not as lovely as my yarn store here. I still love you the most Gina. I did buy a new skein of yarn, because well you can't go to a yarn store and not buy yarn. I think I will join the bandwagon and knit the clapotis with it..I'll have to take pictures of it later, first I have to find my camera. I am not sure where half my stuff is right now. In the past two weeks I moved from Wytheville back to Christiansburg eptied out my car and suitcases and then headed to Florida for a week. So my stuff is everywhere and I can't find a single thing.

We have end of the year testing this week. It's so joyous, please note the massive amount of sarcasm in that statement.

Well that's my update for now.

I'll post pictures of knitted things when the camera is found.


Vouray said...

Ok. Heres what we know. 1. You like pedicures. 2. You like to slice Human flesh 3. You enjoy knitting. Why the confusion? Glad your back.

Allison said...

Those are all true Gina.

Now the big debate of the summer....Ob-gyn or general sugery.....oh the drama.

"Meems" said...

It was so nice seeing you the other day! next week I work monday all day, tues AM and thur AM. come see me again. I got the feeling your passion really is surgery. Hard choices...

Anonymous said...

Allison, you will love the clapotis. I think I'm going to make two. We are headed off the the beach next weekend. Can't wait to read, and knit, and eat, and do nothing. Glad you are back. Ob/Gyn - sweet sweet babies and moms, and making women feel better, and lots of call and sleepless nights and huge malpractice. Surgery - lots of blood and guts, lots of call, maybe not as huge of a malpractice bill, and lots of different organs you can knit :-))