Friday, June 1, 2007

Graduation Countdown

In honor of the Class of 2007 graduating tomorrow... I thought I'd start the countdown until my graduation...

Create yours at!

Carry on..

No I haven't died

Just letting you know I am not dead...

I am DONE with psych. Oh so happy about that. It was funny when we got our evals from the psychiatrist. Everyone in my group (except me) had increased interest in psychiatric disorders. Mine said "well liked by staff." Which is true, but I just found it amusing, I think it's all my preceptor could muster up instead of writing "Allison hated psych and showed no effort in disguising this fact." In other news I got to watch an appendectomy the other night on my way home from Marion. Why you ask, because my surgeon loves me and entertains my neurosis. He still maintains that I will become a general surgeon. I do love surgery but I don't know if I love GI anatomy that much. I was thinking of knitting him a pancreas and somehow also make the surgery rules. He lets me come to a lot of surgeries and is just the most fabulous person in the world, I adore that man. If I haven't taught you the four rules of surgery here they are.
1. Eat when you can.
2. Sleep when you can.
3. Read when you can.
4. Don't mess with the pancreas.

So I think we should start a knitted anatomy collection for my surgeon... he already thinks I am a little crazy, and he does already have a gallbladder. I guess I could cross stitch the rules... because that just wouldn't be feasible with knitted items... because knitted alphabet just doesn't not sound like fun. There is always the computer but really doesn't help the dexterity factor. I'll see how much free time I have this next month on OB-GYN!!!

That's right Ob-gyn is FINALLY here. I start in the OR on Monday morning. We have a couple of hysterectomies scheduled, and a bladder tact (or at least that's what I think it is based on the OR schedule I have). Which reminds me I need to call over there this morning and make sure nothing else was added on.

I turned in square number 16 yesterday. I don't know my call schedule yet for next month so I am not sure if I will be able to make it Blacksburg for the knitting party. But if I am not working I'll definitely be there, otherwise I'll be sitting in Wytheville staring at my pager wishing it to go off thinking of knitting squares together.

Well friends that is my update... now it is time to get my eyeballs examined and find out exactly how blind I've become this year.